grassroots climate plan
Energy Democracy

Current structure of power supply in Germany

In 2017 the German energy sector emitted 308 million tons of CO2. This amount signifies 39 % of all German CO2 emissions [1]. The "energy sector" refers to all electric power generation that supplies the public grid. For 2018 there are only estimations so far. According to these the energy sector emitted 299.3 million tons of CO2 which are 35% of all German emissions [2]. Accordingly, we also don't have clear figures for 2019. First estimations of 'Agora Energiewende' suggest that the CO2 emissions of the energy sector dropped to 223 million tons (27,5% of Germany's total emissions). Based on these estimations the power consists of ~40% renewable energy, ~22% mineral coal and natural gas, ~19% lignite and ~12% nuclear power. At the same time lignite power creates more than half (116 million tons) of the CO2 emissions from power generation3].

Dencentral grassroots energy transition

We need a fast and fundamental transition to achieve the drastic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions which are especially necessary in the energy sector. The most important step is the exit from fossil-fuel energy, notably lignite. Renewables can partly compensate the loss of power, but there is no way around a reduction of energy consumption. This is not negotiable: On the one hand the growth of renewables is the subject to certain technological and economical limitations (although right now those are far from being reached). On the other hand fossil fuels cannot be a serious option in the face of (depending on the calculation) already surpassed or almost reached CO2 budgets of germany. Neither is importing power, since Germany's neighbouring countries are even slower when it comes to building up renewable energy production.  To ensure that the remaining energy resources are distributed fairly, i.e. that the most solvent (energy) needs are not exclusively satisfied, thus preventing energy poverty, a far-reaching [democratization of the energy economy is unavoidable. (More on this in the next section)

What does "energy democracy" mean?

The principles of energy democracy are a collective and decentralised organization, that suplies energy based on renewables. The collectively decided needs are determined by the technical realization, the amount of produced energy, as well as its purpose. Thus, consumer participation in a grassroots way is vital. The citizens will support the decisions made on a local level and with the use of e.g. collectives or participatory discussion formats in municipalities. This allows benefits and costs to be shared fairly. With citizen*energy, the supply can be shaped socially just and ecologically.

  1. Umweltbundesamt: Kohlendioxid-Emissionen (2019, abgerufen 31.1.2020)
  2. Umweltbundesamt: Treibhausgase 2018 nach Gas und Kategorie (2019, abgerufen 31.1.2020)
  3. Agora Energiewende (2020): Die Energiewende im Stromsektor: Stand der Dinge 2019. Seiten 17f und 25f.
  4. Kunze, Conrad / Becker, Sören (2015): Wege der Energiedemokratie, Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag
  5. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Radical Realism for Climate Justice - A Civil Society Response to the Challenge of Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C, Kapitel 1 und 2 (2018)
Energy Democracy

The measures

Expansion of Renewable Energies
Large-scale photovoltaic plants in the hands of citizens*
Currently far too few renewable energy generation plants are being added in Germany and worldwide. The expansion is too slow. In order to achieve the German government's goal of increasing the share o
Decentralized power generation with hydropower
The problem is the stagnating expansion or moreover the dismantling of renewable energies in Germany. The percentage of renewable energies in the → [Gross electricity consumption](https://wiki.gerech
Energy storage in the form of electricity-based gases
The transformation of the German energy system towards the use of exclusively renewable energy sources requires the comprehensive expansion of → [volatile energy sources](https://wiki.gerechte1komma5.
Dezentrale Energieversorgung durch Photovoltaikedit public
Nicht nur die Produktion von erneuerbaren Ennergien sondern auch ihr Transport verursacht Schwierigkeiten, da die Vorraussetzungen für z.B. Windparks, Fläche etc. selten am selben Ort wie der Bedarf a
Elektrifizierung Wärmepumpen statt Öl und Gasedit public
Ein wesentlicher Teil des Energieverbrauchs im Haushalt (gerne wer hat Zahlen und Quellen einfügen) wird für Raumheizungen verbraucht. Die dafür aktuell genutzten Öl und Gasheizungen haben z.B. im Ver
Solarthermische Anlagenedit public
Die Sonne stellt die größte und sicherste Energiequelle dar und ist für die Strahlungserzeugung verantwortlich, die den natürlichen Energiezustand auf der Erde bestimmt. Die mit dem Wert der Solarkons
Democratization of the Energy Economy
Strengthen energy cooperatives
Citizines* have greatly contributed to the expansion of renewable energies. Since 2007 many [Neugründungen von Energiegenossenschaften](
Integrated district-supply
When solar systems are built, their electricity production is not always in line with consumption. Therefore, when electricity is used by the owner within the building or neighborhood, an unnecessaril
Centre for the Turnaround of Energy Systems
Homeowners* are in particular confronted with many questions about energy-efficient renovations. However, energy consulting services are often focused one-sidedly on classic energy-saving measures. Re
Citizens* as a central pillar of the energy-turnaroundedit
Large actors and corporations dominate the energy supply, as was already the case before the start of the→ energy-turnaround. They would like to claim the → energy turnaround for themselves and build
Rekommunalisierung der Energienetzeedit public
Aktuell sind ein Großteil der Energienetze in privatwirtschaftlicher Hand unter Regulierung der Bundesnetzagentur. Bürger*innen haben kein Entscheidungs- und Mitspracherecht. Die Interessen der Netzbe
Intelligente Verbraucher*innen statt intelligenter Netzeedit public
Durch "smarte" Stromzähler soll eine Anpassung des Verbrauchs an die großen Schwankungen der Versorgung durch erneuerbare Energien (bedingt durch Schwankungen bei Licht und Wind) erreicht werden. Eine
Abschaffung von Stromvergünstigungen für Großabnehmer*innenedit public
Firmen verbrauchen im Vergleich zu Privathaushalten massenhaft Strom. Allerdings gibt es so gut wie keine Anreize zum Stromsparen, da Strom für Großabnehmer extrem günstig ist. Da Firmen danach str