Just Mobility

Car-free inner cities

What's the problem?

Many city centers in Germany tend to be congested by individual traffic. This problem is exacerbated by other factors such as a lack of parking spaces. Cars that are looking for parking spaces in the city center in turn increase the volume of traffic. The congestion of individual traffic, which is based on fossil combustion engines, leads to a dramatic deterioration of air quality in the inner cities. This and other factors such as noise pollution and increased risk of accidents make life in the inner cities increasingly unattractive. As a consequence, people are pushing into the surrounding areas as places to live, which in turn contributes to an increase in commuter traffic.

What's the measure?

Within a clearly defined area (inner city), individual transport based on fossil combustion engines is banned as a matter of principle. Individual mobility is ensured by free public transport within a nationwide route network. For the purpose of connection to public transport, individual transport based on alternative energy sources will continue to exist, but limited to vehicles with a size maximum speed that is yet to be determined (e.g. e-bikes).

How can this be implemented?

A first step towards implementation is the introduction of ticket-free use of public transport for all creatures, bicycles and objects. A nationwide levy, yet to be defined, will be introduced to finance this (see Bahncard 365). This requires the intensive expansion of rail and bus routes. This includes, among other things, the provision of electric caddies with drivers for people with limited mobility, either on call or by appointment. In addition, bicycle and pedestrian paths must be extended significantly and weather-protected, safe parking facilities must be provided. In addition, the uncomplicated lending of (cargo) bicycles and e-bikes is to be made possible throughout the area. For commuters from rural areas, parking spaces are provided outside the city area with connections to public transport (Park and Ride).

Problematic Aspects of the measure

Individual transport based on fossil combustion engines is shifting to the surrounding area, creating new problem areas in terms of air quality. This phenomenon can only be prevented in the long term by a ban on the production of fossil combustion engines and the successive reduction in the use of such vehicles.