grassroots climate plan
Just Agriculture, Alimentation Sovereignty and Forest Use

According to the IPCC Special Report of August 2019, 23% of current human-made → greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to agriculture, forestry and other land use. However, if all elements, e.g. inputs, infrastructure, etc., and all activities, e.g. processing, distribution and transport, etc., of the global food system are included, emissions are as high as 37%. Globally, most of the emissions from the food system are caused by livestock production. In particular, changes in land use, such as deforestation for growing animal feed or for use as pasture land, are driving climate change. The degradation of the soil itself and the production and use of → chemical synthetic fertilizers also emit enormous amounts of → greenhouse gases into the air. The most important part of global methane and nitrous oxide emissions is also attributable to animal husbandry, for example through the spreading of animal excrement or the decomposition products from the digestion of ruminants[1]. The current model of industrial agriculture is also responsible for enormous social inequality and human suffering here and worldwide: expulsion of small farmers* and indigenous people from their land for the cultivation of large → monocultures (landgrabbing), pesticide poisoning, as well as malnutrition and hunger due to the unequal distribution of means of production, such as land and water.

Overcoming Industrial Agriculture

In order to significantly reduce emissions from agriculture and forestry, to make soil and forests the natural greenhouse gas sink (→ sink) again and to strengthen social justice, a radical reorientation of → agricultural policy is needed. But we are confronted with a process of power concentration in the agricultural and food sector. For example, six companies dominate the global production of pesticides and seeds. In addition, international trade agreements, → subsidy systems and genetic engineering legislation are being passed largely without those directly affected having a say.[2]

Food Sovereignty & Agroecology: Our active shaping of the agricultural turnaround

We therefore consider it important to orient ourselves to the political concept of → food sovereignty. By food sovereignty we mean, following the 2007 declaration at the Nyéléni Forum in Mali[3], the right of people to shape their own food and agricultural systems democratically without harming other people or the environment. This requires the establishment of democratic systems and procedures that are free of violence and the influence of corporations and based on equal rights for all and gender equality.

Agroecology, in turn, is a scientifically sound concept based on ecological principles, the approach of food sovereignty and the right to adequate food. This is demanded by social movements such as the international smallholder movement La Via Campesina. Farmers, processors and consumers are the protagonists of a socially just and ecologically sustainable transformation of agricultural and food systems. Together we can fight for a favourable political framework[4].

Central Elements of Agroecology are:

  • Biodiverse agriculture: A variety of techniques that contribute to increased biodiversity, humus formation in the soil and a closed nutrient cycle (e.g. crop rotation, legume cultivation) and ultimately also strengthen the self-regulating capacity and resilience of the system. As a result, the soil can become a → sink of → greenhouse gases and producers can become independent of pesticides and nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Regionalisation of the food system: the establishment of municipal food councils and solidarity agriculture projects; promotion of non-commercial local distribution structures; state purchase programmes for public institutions
  • Deconstruction of industrial livestock farming: immediate halt to construction of animal industry plants; structural change programme for regions previously dominated by animal industry; halt to all manure imports; ban on all animal feed imports; annually decreasing area quotas for animal feed cultivation; focus on legume cultivation
  • Nature & climate protection: Reserving former forage areas for climate protection measures, in particular rewetting of former moors; comprehensive expansion of biodiversity corridors; area limitation for energy crop cultivation
  • Move the Focus of Education towards Agroecology
  • Increase Control over livelihood: control over land, water, biodiversity and knowledge: collective forms of ownership and cultivation must be accepted and protected; preserve and horizontally exchanage local seeds, demand agricultural reforms; squat land
  • Strengthen rights of migrant seasonal workers

Political Processes

  • Reorientation of the European Commeon Agricultural Policy
  • Demand that German politics emhasizes an agricultural turnaround towards ecology in the climate negotiations of the united nations (UN) and in it's international development cooperations. That means, espacially, financially supporting the "Scaling up Agroecology"-Initative of the fooad and agricultural organisation of the united nations (FAO).
  • Demand the German Federal Government to sign the UN Smallholder Declaration
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture solutions should be seen skeptical, because methods such as the use of genetically modified seeds or precision farming are often equated with agroecology
  1. Schlatzer, M. (2011): Tierproduktion und Klimawandel, Wien
  2. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Oxfam Deutschland, Germanwatch und Le Monde diplomatique : Konzernatlas - Daten und Fakten über die Agrar- und Lebensmittelindustrie (2017, abgerufen am 20.02.2020)
  3. Nyeleni Forum: ERKLÄRUNG VON NYÉLÉNI, Nyéléni, Gemeinde Sélingué, Mali (2007, abgerufen am 2.3.2020)
  4. Brot für die Welt et al.: Positionspapier: Agrarökologie Stärken (2019, abgerufen 22.2.2020)
  5. Deutsche IPCC-Koordinierungsstelle: Sonderbericht über Klimawandel und Landsysteme (SRCCL) - Hauptaussagen der Zusammenfassung für politische Entscheidungsträger SPM (2019, abgerufen am 2.3.2020)
  6. FIAN Deutschland e.V.: Brasilien: Pensionskassen machen Geschäfte mit Ackerland (2019, abgerufen am 2.3.2020)[cat]=10&tt_products[product]=332
  7. Umweltbundesamt: Umwelt und Landwirtschaft (2018, abgerufen am 20.02.2020)
  8. Pat Mooney, ETC Group: Blocking the chain. Industrial food chain concentration, Big Data platforms and food sovereignty solutions (2018, abgerufen am 2.3.2020)
  9. Steinfeld, Gerber, Wassenaar, Castel, Rosales, Haande (2006): Livestock's Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, Rom: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), S. 112
  10. La Via Campesina (2018): La Via Campesina in Action for Climate Justice. Heinrich Böll Stiftung. abgerufen am 2.3.2020
Just Agriculture, Alimentation Sovereignty and Forest Use

The measures

Agriculture and Alimentation Sovereignty
Carbon storage by perennial crops
Instead of mainly annual crops, perennial crops are grown. These can be perennial vegetables, such as artichokes and rhubarb, or perennial cabbages. There are also newly cultivated perennial cereals (
Optimize nutrient recycling on agricultural businessespublic
Since the recycling rate of nutrients in agricultural businesses is currently very low, huge amounts of nutrients have to be added and this amount gets imported. Here, by the production of the importe
Reform of the immission protection lawpublic
In the Federal Immission Protection Law (FIPL, German: BImSchG)  the impact of immission on climate change only plays a subordinated role. Climate protection is given high priority in the examinati
Climate and nature protection as part of the job description for farmers*
Many social conflicts in local agriculture arise from a global overproduction crisis, with the consequence of prices below production costs, a high proportion of unused ("thrown away") food, the need
Healthy landscapes through species-rich meadowspublic
The climate and → biodiversity discussions are mainly focused on forests and farmlands. Forests are usually considered to be positive, farmland is usually seen as negative. What is often overlooked is
Green permaculture in the smallest spaces
Large quantities of [greenhouse gases]( are produced by food production due to inefficient land use as wel
Supporting biovegan cultivation
As explained in detail in the measure '[Voluntary commitment to reduce animal production](
Reform of the Common European Agricultural Policy: rewarding public servicespublic
All in all, it can be said that the current state of the Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP) promotes industrial production methods and thus contributes to climate change. A reform of the CAP th
Landreformedit public
Diese Seite muss noch deutlich mehr ausgefüllt werden. Vielleicht von dir? Unter HowTo findest du einen Link zur Schreibvorlage. Das Land denen die es Bewirtschaften und die davon Leben!!! Das
Optimierte Fruchtfolgeedit public
Diese Seite muss noch deutlich mehr ausgefüllt werden. Vielleicht von dir? Unter HowTo findest du einen Link zur Schreibvorlage. Die Fruchtfolge ist die zeitliche Abfolge/Reihenfolge der auf einer
Gerechtes Grundeinkommen in der Lebensmittelproduktionedit public
Landwirte und Arbeiter*innen der Lebensmittelproduktion sollen ein von Wetter und Weltmarkt unabhängiges garantiertes Grundeinkommen erhalten und deren Löhne und Arbeitsbedingungen werden den Standard
Arbeiter*innen-Selbstverwaltungedit public
Landwirtschaftliche Betriebe werden in Zukunft von den Arbeiter*innen selbst verwaltet, wie dies in Einzelfällen in Europa bereits mit Krankenhäusern und ähnlichen Einrichtungen geschieht. Unterstü
Produktion und Konsumption von Nahrungsmitteln zusammenführenedit public
Lebensmittel nahe der Orte an denen sie konsumiert werden anbauen. Landwirtschaft in der Nähe oder in Städten betreiben bzw. den Radius aus dem Lebensmittel Importiert werden möglichst verringern.
Nahrungsmittelversorgung vom Markt entkoppelnedit public
Für eine Nahrungsmittelversorgung im öffentlichen Auftrag - ähnlich der Gesundheitsversorgung in einigen europäischen Ländern. Nahrungsmittel würden im öffentlichen Auftrag und nach Umwelt- und Klimas
Hanf legalisierenedit public
Die Kriminalisierung von Hanf behindert auch den Anbau von Nutzhanf. Dieser könnte jedoch eine ökologischere Alternative bei der Herstellung von Papier Kleidung und mehr darstellen. Legalisierung v
veganes Essen in kommunalen Einrichtungenedit public
Viele essen in kommunalen Einrichtungen, wie zum Beispiel Schulkantinen. In diesen gibt es oft gar nicht die Möglichkeit sich vegan zu ernähren. Dies erschwert eine ökologische Ernährung. Alle komm
Lebensmittelverschwendung verbietenedit public
Lebensmittelverschwendung und Überproduktion sind dem → Kapitalismus innewohnende Phänomene. Diese gilt es bis zur perspektivischen Überwindung des → Kapitalismus zum Wohle unserer Umwelt zu bekämpfen
Saatgutsouveränitätedit public
Privates Eigentum an Grundlagen unserer Ernährung verteuert diese, belastet besonders Kleinbäuer*innen und wird komende kommende Hungersnöte verschärfen. Deutschland erkennt privates Eigentum an Sa
Grundrecht auf Wasseredit public
Wasserquellen in privater Hand werden im Sinne der Profitmaximierung nicht nachhaltig bewirtschaftet. Dies kann zu einem Versiegen der Quellen führen. Aber auch der kommerzielle Verkauf von Wasser in
Food tradeedit
This is to be understood as a proposal. A measure can consist from parts of it. It is unlikely that it will be useful for a single measure to work off all headlines. Everything that is not necessary f
Reduction of Industrial Livestock Farming
Forest and Land Use
Leaving dead and damaged wood in the forest
In current practice, "dead and damaged wood" is usually removed from the forest for economic reasons. However, it is of great importance for forest ecosystems and their resilience, and purely economic
Reduced, long-lasting and efficient use of woodpublic
When wood is used as a material, the carbon bound by the construction remains stored in the wood product for the time being. Therefore it becomes relevant how long the wood product is used. At the mom
Withdrawal of the basic legal right to clearing for forest owners*
In Germany, forest owners* have a fundamental legal right to the granting of a clearing permit. On one hand, this means that the decision to clear the forest is removed from democratic control and co-
Shifting from monocultural use of land and forest to mixed crops, agroforestry systems and mixed forests
Shifting from monocultural agriculture & forestry to mixed crops, agroforestry systems and mixed forests. The knowledge about positive effects of restructured cultivation systems is available, the
Protection and rewetting of moor soils
Deconstruction of the drainage of moor soils. The agricultural use of drained moor soils must be stopped or converted to paludiculture. Moors are landscapes in which dead, only partially decomposed
Renaturierung und Ausweitung der Schutzgebieteedit public
In Deutschland existierten einst riesige Laubmischwälder auf einer Fläche von rund 23 Millionen Hektar. Heute gibt es in Deutschland insgesamt noch rund 11,4 Millionen Hektar Wald. Davon gilt lediglic
Ökologische und naturnahe Waldbewirtschaftung mit verringertem Holzeinschlagedit public
Bäume sind der natürlichste Kohlenstoffspeicher der Welt. Durch natürliche Photosynthese wird der Atmosphäre CO2 entzogen und als Kohlenstoff (Holz) gebunden. Eine Verwedung des Holzes als Baustoff od
Papierverbrauch auf ein nachhaltiges Maß reduzierenedit public
Der Verbrauch von Papier, Pappe und Karton in Deutschland liegt seit Jahren ziemlich stabil bei ca. 240 kg pro Kopf und Jahr. Damit liegen wir mit wenigen anderen Ländern wie USA oder Japan weltweit a
Torfgewinnung und -verwendung minimierenedit public
Diese Seite muss noch deutlich mehr ausgefüllt werden. Vielleicht von dir? Unter HowTo findest du einen Link zur Schreibvorlage. Torfabbau findet auf 1 % der Moorfläche – mit Schwerpunkt in Nieder