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Reproducción, producción y consumo justos

Socially just redistribution and services of general interest

What's the problem?

A common assumption is that everyone benefits from a growing economy. Because if the existing economic structures, that increase inequality, are not changed, the wealthy would become even more prosperous in an economy that is no longer growing. At the same time, this would make absolute losses inevitable for the lower income groups. In order to shape the socio-ecological transformation in a just manner, a just redistribution of income and wealth as well as access to public services of general interest is required.

What's the measure?

Strengthening the social security and participation in society.

How can the implementation look like?

  • Increase in property- , capital gains- and inheritance taxes at national and European level, including a financial transaction tax
  • Reform of corporate taxation at international or European level to avoid tax competition and increase tax revenue
  • Increase in governmental spendings on education, health and pensions for lower income groups
  • Development of a social security system based on solidarity, into which all citizens* pay according to their total income (earned income and capital income) (citizens' insurance).
  • Development and democratic design of the public social infrastructure and services that can be used free of charge    
  • Establishment and promotion of common-creating security.

How can climate change be counteracted and how can economic conditions be created that support effective climate protection measures?

The measure ensures that, in the course of structural change, which is indispensable for adequate climate protection measures, all people are protected and can participate in the democratic shaping of the economy and society and in public life.

How quickly can the measure be implemented?

Step by step from now on.

How long does it take the measure to become effective?

If imposed, these measures would have an immediate effect.

References to other measures

The measure can go hand in hand with an ecological tax reform ({translationof orig_page="ökologischen Steuerreform" translation_lang="en" translation_page=""}), a basic and maximum income ({translationof orig_page="Grund- und Maximaleinkommen" translation_lang="en" translation_page=""}), a restructuring of the social security system into a citizens' insurance ({translationof orig_page="Bürgerversicherung" translation_lang="en" translation_page=""}),  the extension and democratic design of public social infrastructure and the reduction of woriking hours ({translationof orig_page="Arbeitszeitverkürzung" translation_lang="en" translation_page=""}). Absolute ecological upper limits make it more difficult to use the time freed up for material consumption, and the time freed up can be used for various forms of participation in social life.

Problems of social, global and intergenerational justice

Social security and access to public services are only just and prevent social division and exclusion of groups of people if they are open to all people in the same way, regardless of age, nationality, etc. 

Further literature and sources

  1. Schmelzer, Matthias & Vetter, Andrea (2019): Degrowth/Postwachstum zur Einführung.
  2. Ronald Blaschke: Keine nachhaltige ökologische Transformation ohne bedingungslose soziale Sicherung aller Menschen (abgerufen am 2.3.2020) https://www.degrowth.info/de/dib/degrowth-in-bewegungen/grundeinkommensbewegung/
  3. Research & Degrowth: Yes, We Can Prosper Without Growth (2015, abgerufen am 2.3.2020) https://degrowth.org/2015/05/15/yes-we-can-prosper-without-growth/

Yes, we can prosper without growth: https://degrowth.org/2015/05/15/yes-we-can-prosper-without-growth/

Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, Degrowth/Postwachstum https://www.junius-verlag.de/buecher/degrowthpostwachstum

Ronald Blaschke: Keine nachhaltige ökologische Transformation ohne bedingungslose soziale Sicherung aller Menschen, https://www.degrowth.info/de/dib/degrowth-in-bewegungen/grundeinkommensbewegung/

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