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Agricultura justa, soberanía alimentaria y uso de bosques

Withdrawal of the basic legal right to clearing for forest owners*

What's the problem?

In Germany, forest owners* have a fundamental legal right to the granting of a clearing permit. On one hand, this means that the decision to clear the forest is removed from democratic control and co-determination - forest owners* alone are authorised to decide on clearing or conservation of the forest without the population affected being involved in the decision - on the other hand, the basic legal entitlement obliges the processing authority to guarantee this legal entitlement.  - The judgement of the situation can therefore not be neutral, as the will of the forest owners* is weighted more heavily than existing reasons related to species-, environmental - and climate protection.

What's the measure?

Dispossession of the basic legal right of forest owners* to clear the forests:

In Germany, forest owners have a basic legal right to clearing, i.e. the forest owner alone decides on the conservation or destruction of the forest, and the processing authorities (town or district office) are obliged to guarantee this legal right. The protection of forests is thus removed from democratic control and an appropriate balance between economic and ecological interests cannot take place.

How can this be implemented?

Deletion of the certain paragraph in the corresponding forest laws of the particular country.

How does this work against climate change?

Fewer clearing permits are issued, which means that intact forest areas are preserved and can continue to store CO2.

Which other positive effects does the measure have?

The democratisation of the decision to grant a forest clearance permit is made possible.

How long does it take for the measure to become effective?


Continuative sources and literature


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