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Agricultura justa, soberanía alimentaria y uso de bosques

Supporting biovegan cultivation

What's the problem?

As explained in detail in the measure 'Voluntary commitment to reduce animal production', livestock production generates large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly due to its high land consumption. Because of its dominant role in agriculture, animal production and plant production, that depends on animal products, is very important in the education of prospective gardeners* and farmers*, in research and product development, and in the promotion of farms. This measure facilitates and accelerates the dismantling of animal production, which is necessary for climate protection.

What's the measure?

In biovegan cultivation, no animals are kept for the production of food and at the same time no substances of animal origin are used, including liquid manure, blood - and fish meal. As in conventional organic farming, no synthetic chemical fertilizers or "pesticides" are used. By promoting biovegan cultivation (as well as agroecology), climate-friendly alternatives to animal production are thus strengthened and expanded in practice. In concrete terms, farms are to be supported in converting to biovegan cultivation. In addition, the further development of biovegan cultivation is to be scientifically accompanied. And biovegan cultivation is to play a central role in the curriculum of training, courses of study and further education for gardeners* and farmers*.

How quickly can the measure be implemented?

With immediate measures the support of biovegan agriculture can start directly. In the medium term, existing support mechanisms, in particular those of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy, must be modified accordingly.

How long does it take the measure to become effective?

The measure is based on different mechanisms, therefore the saving effect will begin at different times. For example it is possible to convert single farms within a few years, whereas a longer period of time is to be assumed until gardeners* and farmers* have acquired appropriate knowledge, area-wide.  

Which other effects does the measure have?

Apart of the dismantling of livestock production, biovegan argiculture benefits environmental protection by not using  synthetic-chemical fertilizers and "pesticides"-combating agents.  

References to other measures

This measure relates to the measure 'Voluntary commitment to reduce animal production'. Due to the support of biovegan agriculture, existing companies which operate animal production or depend on it, can be disengaged from it. 

Continuative literature and sources

  1. Bonzheim, Rieken, Mettke (2014): Die bio-vegane Landwirtschaft in Deutschland: Definition, Motive und Beratungsbedarf, Eberswalde: Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde http://biovegan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Bonzheim_Bachelorarbeit_Bio-veganeLandwirtschaft.pdf
  2. Bonzheim, Rieken, Oehen (2016): Potenziale und Herausforderungen möglicher überbetrieblicher Organisationsstrukturen für die bio-vegane Landbaubewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum, Eberswalde: Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde http://biovegan.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Bonzheim_Masterarbeit_Bio-vegane-Landwirtschaft.pdf
  3. Schutz, Foresi (2016): Vegan organic horticulture-standards, challenges, socio-economics and impact on global food security. III International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture 1164. pp. 475-484. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2017.1164.62
Bonzheim,Rieken, Mettke (2014): „Die bio-vegane Landwirtschaft in Deutschland: Definition, Motiveund Beratungsbedarf“ () Bonzheim, Rieken, und Oehen (2016): „Potenziale und Herausforderungen möglicher überbetrieblicherOrganisationsstrukturen für die bio-vegane Landbaubewegung imdeutschsprachigen Raum." () Schmutz, U., & Foresi, L. (2017): „Vegan organic horticulture –standards, challenges, socio-economics and impact on global foodsecurity.“ (doi:10.17660/actahortic.2017.1164.62)

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